Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Free Download Advanced iOS App architecture PDF, EPUB Ray Wenderlich Kodeco book


Advanced iOS App architecture

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Advanced iOS App architecture Book Details

Title: Advanced iOS App architecture 

Author: By René Cacheaux & Josh Berlin
Language: English
No. of pages: 334
Format: PDF, EPUB

Welcome to Advanced iOS App Architecture.

 The main goal of this book is to thoroughly explain and show how to apply popular iOS app architectures, one by one. We can’t wait for you to explore the architectures covered in the following chapters.

We absolutely love this topic. We are super passionate about architecture because architecture unlocks the ability for teams to grow and go quickly. Now, more than ever, it’s very important to understand and apply good software architecture practices in our projects as apps are getting more complex and as development teams are pressured to deliver faster results despite constantly changing requirements.

What lies ahead

Chapter 1 through Chapter 4 introduce you to different aspects of the material covered in the Advanced iOS App architecture book. We recommend reading these chapters before diving into any of the architecture chapters.

Chapter 5 through Chapter 8 are architecture chapters; in other words, they explore one architecture at a time. Each architecture chapter begins with a little history followed by a detailed theory walkthrough. The second half of each architecture chapter focuses on applying the theory to iOS app development. Each architecture chapter ends by covering the pros and cons of that architecture. Feel free to read these latter chapters in any order.

There are many architectures not covered in this book because we wanted to go deep instead of broad.

Who this Advanced iOS App architecture book is for

This book is for iOS developers who build apps using Swift. The material in this book assumes familiarity with design patterns and with basic architectures — such as MVC — and basic architecture concepts, such as inversion of control. This book also assumes familiarity with Apple frameworks such as Combine.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Flutter Apprentice Ray Wenderlich - Kodeco PDF, EPUB Book


Flutter Apprentice 

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Flutter Apprentice Book Details

Title: Flutter Apprentice

Author: By Michael Katz, Kevin David Moore & Vincent Ngo
Language: English
No. of pages: 660
Format: PDF, EPUB


Welcome to Flutter Apprentice!

Flutter is an incredible user interface (UI) toolkit that lets you build apps for iOS and Android — and even the web and desktop platforms like macOS, Windows and Linux — all from a single codebase.

Flutter has all the benefits of other cross-platform tools, especially because you’re targeting multiple platforms from one codebase. Furthermore, it improves upon most cross-platform tools thanks to a super-fast rendering engine that makes your Flutter apps perform as native apps.

In addition, Flutter features are generally independent of native features, since you use Flutter’s own type of UI elements, called widgets, to create your UI. And Flutter has the ability to work with native code, so you can integrate your Flutter app with native features when you need to.

If you’re coming from a platform like iOS or Android, you’ll find the Flutter development experience refreshing! Thanks to a feature called “hot reload”, you rarely need to rebuild your apps as you develop them. A running app in a simulator or emulator will refresh with code changes automatically as you save your source files!

In this book, you’ll see how to build full-featured Flutter apps, gain experience with a wide range of Flutter widgets and learn how to deploy your apps to mobile app stores.

How to read this book

In the first section of the book, you’ll learn how to set up a Flutter development environment. Once that’s done, you’ll start building your first Flutter app.

The next two sections focus on UI development with Flutter widgets. You’ll see just how impressive Flutter user interfaces can be.

The fourth section switches to building a new app. You’ll use it to learn about using networking and databases with Flutter, as well as the all-important topic of state management.

The fifth section shows you how to incorporate platform-specific assets into your app, then demonstrate how to deploy your apps to the mobile app stores.

The book’s final section focuses on how to interact with Firebase Cloud Firestore. Here’s a breakdown of these five main sections of the book:

Section I: Build Your First Flutter App

The chapters in this section introduce you to Flutter, get you up and running with a Flutter development environment and walk you through building your first Flutter app.

You’ll learn about where Flutter came from and why it exists, understand the structure of Flutter projects and see how to create the UI of a Flutter app.

You’ll also get your first introduction to the key component found in Flutter user interfaces: widgets!

Section II: Everything’s a Widget

In this section, you’ll start to build a full-featured recipe app named Fooderlich. You’ll gain an understanding of the wide range of widgets available in Flutter and put them to use. Then you’ll learn the theory of how widgets work behind the scenes.

Finally, you’ll dive deeper into layout widgets, scrollable widgets and interactive widgets.

Section III: Navigating Between Screens

You’ll continue working on the Fooderlich app in this section, learning about navigating between screens and working with deep links.

Topics you’ll learn include Navigator 2.0 and Flutter Web.

Section IV: Networking, Persistence & State

Most apps interact with the network to retrieve data and then persist that data locally in some form of cache, such as a database. In this section, you’ll build a new app that lets you search the Internet for recipes, bookmark recipes and save their ingredients into a shopping list.

You’ll learn about making network requests, parsing the network JSON response and saving data in a SQLite database. You’ll also get an introduction to using Dart streams.

Finally, this section will dive deeper into the important topic of app state, which determines where and how to refresh data in the UI as a user interacts with your app.

Section V: Deployment

Building an app for your own devices is great; sharing your app with the world is even better!

In this section, you’ll go over the steps and processes to release your apps to the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. You’ll also see how to use platform-specific assets in your apps.

Section VI: Working With Firebase Cloud


Synching data with the cloud is a very common feature of any mobile app.

In this section you’ll learn how to leverage the power of Firebase Cloud Firestore to build an instant messaging application.

Download Dart Apprentice Ray Wenderlich - Kodeco books PDF, EPUB File


Dart Apprentice

Download Dart Apprentice PDF file

Download Dart Apprentice  EPUB file

SwiftUI Apprentice Book Details

Title: Dart Apprentice

Author: By Matt Galloway & Jonathan Sande
Language: English
No. of pages: 284
Format: PDF, EPUB

Introduction Dart Apprentice Ray Wenderlich - Kodeco books 

Dart is a general purpose programming language developed by Google. 

You can use it to develop web, server, desktop and mobile applications for iOS and Android. It’s easy to learn (especially if you read this book) and also has great tooling support.

In many ways Dart is a boring language, and that’s a good thing! It means that Dart is fast and easy to pick up. While Dart does have some unique characteristics, any knowledge you bring in from other object oriented or C-style languages will immediately be applicable. If you come here as a complete beginner to programming, Dart is a good place to start. The concepts that you’ll learn in this book will give you a solid foundation in your coding career.

Don’t let Dart’s mundane syntax fool you. Dart is a modern and rapidly evolving language, and the things it allows you to do are both exciting and even historic in nature. Never before have you been able to create native applications for so many platforms using a single code base.

There’s a good chance you picked up this book because of the Flutter UI framework. However, it was no accident that Flutter chose Dart as its language. The Dart virtual machine allows lightning fast development-time rebuilds, its JavaScript complier allows you to build for the web, and its ahead-of-time compiler creates fast native applications across mobile and desktop platforms and even for servers and embedded devices.

It’s no wonder then that developers across the world have taken notice. The language has been climbing the charts for both fastest growing: #top-languages and most loved The wise developer takes note of industry trends and joins them.

So welcome to this book!

Dart Apprentice sample projects

Each chapter comes with supplemental material. In the chapter folder you’ll find a folder called starter that contains a starter project with an empty main function. You can either open this empty project in your editor by going to File Open in the menu, or just create a new project in the way you’ll learn in Chapter 1.

In addition to the starter project, chapters will also have a final folder, a mini_exercise folder and a challenge folder. You can refer to the final folder if you get lost during the lesson. It will contain the code from that lesson. Likewise, the mini_exercise and challenge folders will contain the answers to the mini-exercises and challenges in every chapter. You’ll learn the most if you don’t copy-and-paste this code but actually type it yourself.


You’ll often find mini-exercises in middle of a chapter after learning about some topic. These are optional but generally easy to complete. Like the challenges, they’ll help you solidify what you’re learning.


Challenges are an important part of Dart Apprentice. At the end of each chapter, the book will give you one or more tasks to accomplish that make use of the knowledge you learned in the chapter. Completing them will not only help you reenforce that knowledge but will also show that you’ve mastered it.

How to read Dart Apprentice book

Each chapter of this book builds on the ones that precede it, so you’ll find it easiest to understand if you progress through the chapters in order.

Dart Apprentice was written with the beginner in mind. If that’s you, you’ll learn the most by following along and trying each of the code examples, mini-exercises and challenges as you come to them. The way to learn to code is by writing code and experimenting with it. That can’t be emphasized enough.

More advanced readers may want to skim the content of this book in order to get up and running quickly. If that’s you, try the challenges at the end of every chapter. If they’re easy, move on to the next chapter. If they’re not, go back and read the relevant parts of the chapter and check the challenge solutions.

Finally, for all readers, is committed to providing quality, up-to- date learning materials. We’d love to have your feedback. What parts of the book gave you one of those aha learning moments? Was some topic confusing? Did you spot a typo or an error? Let us know at and look for the particular forum category for this book. We’ll make an effort to take your comments into account in the next update of the book.

Download SwiftUI Apprentice PDF, EPUB, Ray Wenderlich, Kodeco book


Download SwiftUI Apprentice PDF file

Download  SwiftUI Apprentice EPUB file

SwiftUI Apprentice Book Details

Title: SwiftUI Apprentice

Author: By Audrey Tam & Caroline Begbie
Language: English
No. of pages: 706
Format: PDF, EPUB

Section I: Your first app: HIITFit

At WWDC 2019, Apple surprised and delighted the developer community with the introduction of SwiftUI, a declarative way of building user interfaces. With SwiftUI, you build your user interface by combining fundamental components such as colors, buttons, text labels, lists and more into beautiful and functional views. Your views react to changes in the data they display, updating automatically without any intervention from you!

In this section, you’ll begin your journey to becoming a SwiftUI developer by developing an app called HIITFit, a High Intensity Interval Training Fitness tracker. Along the way, you’ll:

  • Learn how to use Xcode.

  • Discover how to plan and prototype an app.

  • Explore the basic components of SwiftUI.

  • Understand how data moves in a SwiftUI app and how to make it persist.

  • Learn fundamental concepts of Swift, the programming language, needed to build your app. 

Section II: Your second app: Cards

Now that you’ve completed your first app, it’s time to apply your knowledge and build a new app from scratch. In this section, you’ll build a photo collage app called Cards and you’ll start from a blank template. Along the way, you’ll:

  • Dive more deeply into Swift’s ways of representing data.

  • Learn how to support user gestures.

  • Discover how Xcode and iOS manage app assets such as images and colors.

  • Learn to use UIKit components in your SwiftUI app.

  • Explore more robust ways of saving and restoring data.

  • Translate a designer’s vision into reality in your app. 

Download Swift Apprentice Ray Wenderlich Kodeco book

Swift Apprentice


Download Swift Apprentice PDF file

Download  Swift Apprentice EPUB file

Swift Apprentice Book Details

Title: Swift Apprentice

Author: Ehab Amer, Alexis Gallagher, Matt Galloway, Eli Ganim, Ben Morrow & Cosmin Pupăză
Language: English
No. of pages: 555
Format: PDF, EPUB


Welcome to the Swift Apprentice, fully updated for Xcode 13 and Swift 5.5!

In the last seven years, Swift has gone from a secret project at Apple, Inc. to a full- blown, open-source, community-driven language. It continues to refine its core goal of being a general-purpose language that supports safety, speed and expressiveness.

Despite its progressive, industrial-strength nature, Swift is an excellent choice for the beginning programmer since Xcode offers a sandbox-type environment where you can directly execute Swift statements to try out various language features without creating a whole app first.

Developers worldwide use Swift to build thousands of amazing apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS. Swift is also in server-side technology on non-Apple platforms. That means what you learn in this book will be extremely useful as you expand your development skills and possibly work as a developer someday.

You’ll learn about basic things like constants, values, operations and types, and move up to more intermediate concepts like data structures, classes and enumerations. Finally, you’ll finish off by getting in-depth knowledge about protocol extensions, custom operators, protocol-oriented programming and generics. Swift lets you create beautiful abstractions to solve real-world problems that you will learn about in this book.

Swift is also a lot of fun! It’s easy to try out small snippets of code as you test new ideas. Programming is a hands-on experience, and Swift makes it fast and easy to follow along with this book and explore on your own.

Who this book is for

If you’re a complete beginner at programming, this is the book for you! There are short exercises and challenges throughout the book to give you some programming practice and test your knowledge along the way.

If you want to get right into iOS app development while learning bits of the Swift language as you go, we recommend SwiftUI by Tutorials by the team. SwiftUI is so approachable that you may have even built a simple app or two with some sample code. As you go through this book, you may be wondering why you don’t see some of the syntaxes that appear in an elementary SwiftUI app. These include @State and @ObservedObject property wrappers, opaque return types and result builders. While property wrappers and opaque return types are eventually covered, they are advanced language features and require quite a bit of background to understand their inner workings. Using them, fortunately, is easy, and SwiftUI by Tutorials will show you how to do that.

How to use this book

Each chapter of this book presents theory and Swift code to demonstrate the practical applications of what you’re learning.

Since this is a book for beginners, we suggest reading it in order the first time. After that, the book will make an excellent reference for you to return to and refresh your memory on particular topics.

All the code in this book is platform-neutral; it isn’t specific to iOS, macOS or any other platform. The code runs in playgrounds, which you’ll learn about in the very first chapter.

As you read through the book, you can follow along and type the code into a playground. That means you’ll be able to experiment with the code by making changes and see the results immediately.

Throughout the book, you’ll find mini-exercises, which are short exercises about the topic at hand. At the end of each chapter, there are also challenges. These are either programming questions or more extended coding exercises to test your knowledge. You’ll get the most out of this book if you follow along with these exercises and challenges. 

What’s in store

This book consists of four sections. Each section has a short introduction that describes its chapters, their topics and the overarching themes of the section. Here’s a brief overview of the book’s sections:

Section I: Swift Basics

The book’s first section starts at the beginning of the computing environment: first, how computers work, and then, how Swift’s playgrounds feature works. With those logistics out of the way, you’ll take a tour of the fundamentals of the Swift language and learn the basics of managing data, structuring your code, performing simple operations and calculations, working with types.

Section II: Collection Types

Stored data is a core component of any app, whether it’s a list of friends in your social networking app or a set of unlockable characters in your hit game. In this section, you’ll learn how to store collections of data in Swift.

Section III: Building Your Own Types

Swift comes with basic building blocks, but its real power is in the custom things you can build to model parts of your app. Swift has no idea about playable characters and monsters and power-ups — these are things you need to build yourself! You’ll learn how to do that in this section.

Section IV: Advanced Topics

The final section of the book covers more advanced topics in Swift. You’ll learn about specific things, such as how to handle problems that come up as your code runs, as well as about more general things such as memory management, which will help you understand some of Swift’s behind-the-scenes mechanisms. You’ll learn more advanced ways to use the type system with protocols and generics and use cutting- edge features such as results builders and property wrappers. The book concludes with an extensive chapter on the new concurrency features that are now part of the language.